
I'm a Bible coach, and I'd love to show you how to read the Bible. 

  • Perhaps you don't understand why people read it.
  • Or you have no idea how to dive into a book with so many pages!
  • Or you've been reading the Bible for a while and have bogged down.
An Open Black Bible

On this website you will find:

  • Blogs with reasons for you to read the Bible
  • Creative Ideas to help you find time to read
  • A Verse of the Day
  • Reasonable-length Bible Reading Plans
  • Ten-Minute Bible Studies - Really!
  • Blogs on many topics about and from the Bible
  • Encouragement to keep reading the Bible

Is the Beginning Really the Best Place to Start?

You could simply start reading the Bible at the beginning  in the book of Genesis. The story is interesting and includes all the plot lines that make reading fascinating – beauty, betrayal, murder, romance, intrigue, good guys, bad guys, and family drama.

The problem with beginning there, however, is that the next few sections are shatteringly detailed, repetitive, and (in some cases) so confusing that most readers give up.


I recognize that the Bible is a daunting book. Mine has over 2000 pages, not including a glossary, study helps, and maps. Just a cursory glance will show you that it has a lot of parts that may or may not be connected.

Those parts are also called ‘books.’ There are 66 of them, and they are grouped into two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. Each ‘book’ is divided up into chapters and verses. These were added to make it easier to find things in a 2000-page tome!

Who's the Hero?


When you read the Bible, you will discover that it is really all about Jesus Christ. In one sense, the first 39 'books ’ are very wonderful prelude to his life. His story truly begins in the New Testament.

So, if your “ How do I read the Bible? ” is really “ Where should I start to read the Bible? ”, then I have an answer. 


Start with one of the first four books in the New Testament. They are called “ Gospels, ” – which means Good News – and each one tells of the life of Jesus from different perspectives, aimed at different audiences.

I would recommend that you begin with either the Gospel of Mark or the Gospel of Luke. They were written to Romans and Greeks, so the ideas are more akin to our western thinking. You’ll find the page numbers in the Table of Contents of your Bible.

The Gospel of Luke begins the story with Jesus’ birth, which seems a good place to start. I have written for you a Reading Plan to guide you through the Gospel of Luke. It includes brief (very brief) background information, suggestions for reading, and a thought for the day. Click on the following link:

Gospel of Luke

If you read a chapter each day for five days a week, it would take you 24 days – with weekends, just one month. And you might finish faster, if you get swept away by the plot.

My Reading Plan for You

Luke 1

And when you have finished reading Luke, I will have another plan ready for you.

What's the Catch?

o   It takes a willingness to learn, which I suspect you already have.

o   It will take time – which I can help you find in some of my blogs.

o   It also takes curiosity to delve into things you might not have thought of before.

o   Finally, you will need a plan, and I have a lot of them!

Whether you have never opened a Bible, or you have been reading for a while, I will gladly take you from where you are and guide you into a satisfying reading – or studying – adventure.

Sixty Years' Experience

I’ve been reading the Bible for over 60 years, and I have guided many people in their desire to gain more from their reading time.

I taught my first children’s Bible class when I was just twelve years old.


As I taught the Bible, I realized that I wanted to understand it better so I could pass that on to others. I went to Bible college and sat under some men and women who loved God’s Word more than I did.

Over the years, I have written and taught women’s Bible studies, spoken at Bible conferences, and developed and presented a Bible workshop, called, “You Can Read and Understand the Bible.” I have also taught others to do what I have done – to train others to train others.

I’ve been doing this for a long time. 

Clock and Calendar

It's Time for You to Begin

I know that as you read the Bible, you will discover a fresh understanding of who you are and what you can achieve. You will experience the comfort of a God who cares about you and the joy of knowing him better through the Bible.


You will also get more answers, but you've got to start sometime.

Let it be today, and I'll be here to read with you and to cheer you on.

Chances are, I'm old enough to be your grandmother.

So, I'm the Bible Granny.

I'd like to be your Bible Granny.

Reading Plan: Gospel of Luke

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