About Bible Granny


Hi! I'm Christine. I’m so glad you found this website. Let me tell you a little about myself.

I love the Bible! And I love helping others understand it so they can discover what it’s all about.

Loving the Bible

I started reading the Bible when I was nine years old. That was a long, long, long time ago! When I was twelve, the elderly lady (probably younger than I am now!), who taught children’s church, asked me to help her teach Bible stories to the children.

The more I read it and taught it, the more I found myself drawn to it and to the God who claimed to be the Author.

In high school, I was the Bible nerd who carried the Bible around on top of her books. I included excerpts from it in all the English themes we had to write and read aloud to the class.

I was very good at architectural drafting and also played the French horn, so the high school guidance counsellor didn’t understand my desire to attend Bible college. I simply wanted to learn more about the Bible and to pass that knowledge on to others.

At Bible college, immersing myself in the Bible all day long was a great joy. Professors who loved and understood God’s word more than I did gave their students overviews and in-depth teaching. They gave us meaningful assignments to help us discover more about the Bible.


Loving the Bible Together

Most importantly, I met a young man who suggested that I approach my own personal Bible study with questions. He assured me that I would – eventually – find answers to all of them. He coached me, and we read the Bible together.

I married him.

Floyd and I were united in our desire to bring the Bible to people who had never opened one before. After our two sons were born, we moved to Austria in central Europe, sent out as missionaries by our home church in Portland, OR.

Reading the Bible in Austria

While in Austria, we learned German fluently, and we searched for culturally appropriate ways to coax people into reading the Bible with us. Floyd stumbled upon the fact that just getting them to read and understand was the best we could do. He didn’t tell them what was in it, but simply read it with them. They were blown away by what they could understand. Many of them are now Bible teachers, themselves.


A bit later, encouraged by a friend, I began to lead simple Bible studies with the women who showed an interest. As their interest and abilities increased, I taught them to study the Bible for themselves and finally to teach others, as I had done.

I also taught Sunday School and eventually taught others to lead their own Sunday School.

When we left, fifteen years later, we (and a few co-workers) had trained dozens of people to read, study, and teach the Bible to their own people. The churches that they started are still running today, almost 30 years later! If you’d like to know more about our time in Austria, I wrote a book about it.


Never Give Up

Back in the States, I developed a Bible study workshop, entitled “You Can Read and Understand the Bible.” I wrote a booklet with the same name, and many women told me that they really learned a lot from the workshop. One woman asked if she could lead workshops too. Of course!


For the past 25 years, I have been leading women’s Bible studies in Iowa and then in Washington State. Many of those women have gone on to lead their own Bible studies and to train others to do the same.

Some of my credentials:

o   Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Education

o   Master’s degree in Women’s Ministry

o   Conference speaker on many topics from the Bible

These are my published Bible studies

o   Goodness for God’s Sake – Paul’s Letter to Titus

o   Lessons in Trust from Women in Messiah’s Family Tree

o   Time for Authenticity – Faith That is Honest and Winsome from the Book of James

I also have a file drawer full of many more Bible studies, ready to share with others.

Other Facts

On the personal side, Floyd and I have been married for over 50 years! We have two talented sons, two amazing daughters-in-law, and eight very busy grandchildren. Which is why my email address is: biblegranny8@proton.me.


I love to cook and sew, and I have created quilts for all the grandkids. I enjoy making birthday cards and writing personal notes to many people on their birthdays.

She also loves her dog, Chewy. I (Floyd) snuck this in without her knowing it. Chewy asked me to include him. Christine will discover it when she reads this page again.


Most of all, I love the Bible. (Yes, even more than Chewy). I love the magnificent God who gave us the Bible. I also love to read it and to show others how to read and study it. I’m still a Bible nerd: I enjoy making lists and charts and graphs from the things I read in the Bible. It’s more meaningful to me than looking them up online, and I retain so much more information.

I began my teaching adventure at twelve years old with teaching children Bible stories. I have not stopped doing that. I have taught Sunday School in each of the churches we helped start in Iowa and Washington State. I also wrote Sunday School curriculum for other teachers I was coaching.

Call me a Bible coach

Chances are, I’m old enough to be your grandmother. So, I’m the Bible Granny. I’d like to be your Bible Granny.

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